It is essential that, as an Insurance Broker, we understand the risks that your business is possibly exposed to and your attitude towards minimizing these risks. We can talk to you about all aspects of this process by carrying out an in-depth review.

  • A risk review, or audit, will look at your current arrangements and their appropriateness and will include site visits to determine the accuracy of the cover currently in place. GlobeSecure would thoroughly review existing policies to identify gaps in your current portfolio and advise solutions.

  • We would also discuss market trends, including new products that may be available, offer value and protect clients and prospective clients alike. Once all of the above is agreed upon, GlobeSecure would then design your Insurance programme and take it to the Insurance market to know that they have the necessary depth of understanding to safeguard the most competitive terms and the broadest available cover

  • GlobeSecure acts as a bridge between client and insurer to ensure that both parties continue to understand how the business operates and make sure there are no surprises if a claim situation should arise. GlobeSecure’s risk analysis audit would also include assistance in producing business continuity documents as part of Insurance best practices.