Home & Contents

A home Insurance policy, also called property Insurance, is a policy that covers the damages suffered by your home, its contents, or both. If there is any natural or human-made damage in nature, the policy will pay you for the loss that you incur.

Types of home insurance plans

  • Residential Structure Insurance
    An Insurance covers the structure of a residential house, i.e., the roofs, walls and floors, against damages suffered due to natural or human-made calamities. The policy is a Standard Fire and Special Perils policy as it covers the structure against fire and other natural or human-made catastrophes.
  • Contents insurance
    This policy covers only the contents of the house against damages or loss. Contents of the home include home appliances, jewelry, furniture and fixtures and other house contents. This policy is suitable for residents who face a threat of damage to their belongings if the house is damaged.
  • Comprehensive insurance
    This policy covers both structure and contents Insurance. It covers the house's structure and its contents against damages or loss due to natural or human-made conditions.

Insurance Services

Property & Transit

Casualty & Liability

Employee Benefits

Retail Insurance Solutions