Mega Risk Policies

A Bigger umbrella Insurance

An Insurance program for large industrial establishments, substantial risks like Petrochemicals, Power, Steel and Oil & Gas Industry requires a specialized and customized Insurance policy. Mega Risk Insurance Policy which caters to Large Manufacturing Units with a single location risk sum insured more significant than INR 2500 Crores, provides unique customization of risks to cover all the risks under single Insurance comprehensively.

Let GlobeSecure Handle Your Mega Risk

To manage and advise for a more significant risk involves more immense challenges. GlobeSecure has serviced a variety of such projects with differing eminence. Our specialty is to design an Insurance solution that suits their business requirement.

  • Customize and design policy based on the type of industry.
  • Ascertain the Valuation of Assets.
  • Extremely Detailed Risk Inspection and Analysis.
  • Calculate Probable Maximum Loss Calculation.
  • The comprehensive claims process in place.

Insurance Services

Property & Transit

Casualty & Liability

Employee Benefits

Retail Insurance Solutions