Electronic & Portable equipment

Electronic & Portable Equipment (EEI) Insurance has immense importance to the users of electronic equipment. The EEI Insurance policy covers sudden and unforeseen material damage to electronic equipment. The EEI Insurance is a combination of fire and allied perils as well as machinery breakdown and burglary.
Sum Insured should represent the present-day replacement value of similar new equipment, including all incidentals and cost of erection.

EEI is an all-risk policy that covers damage due to:

  • Smoke, soot, dust, corrosive gases etc
  • Environmental contamination
  • Water and Humidity
  • Short circuit
  • Falling objects and entry of foreign objects
  • Fire, lightning, explosion
  • Human Errors like faulty/Careless/negligent operations
  • Riot, Strikes, Malicious damage
  • Theft and Burglary
  • Natural calamities like flood, Inundation, Storm, Cyclone, Earthquake
  • Subsidence, Land-slide, Rockslide.


Insurance Services

Property & Transit

Casualty & Liability

Employee Benefits

Retail Insurance Solutions